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Building the future, restoring the past.



In a world where both natural disasters and human-made crisis have been experienced in very high-levels.

We have taken the initiative to highlight the importance of Disaster REHABILITATION and the importance of fast response to providing fast service and safe homes to those who are recovering from the negative affects of unexpected disasters, such as the Beirut port explosion which shook our beloved country on August 4th, 2020.

The necessity of such quick action and rehabilitation has increased completely and unexpectedly, becoming an everyday reality which we strive to make our best efforts in. We have managed to tackle most obstacles that come with little or no warning and often with devastating impacts.

Housing is a core element of daily life and a critical component of any disaster recovery effort. Thus, our approach is to create fast and solid housing recovery response teams that are able to employ “a needs-based approach” and effectively focus and apply limited resources in the most efficient and impactful ways.

Knowing these disasters demand the best performance from both people and equipment, our teams are divided into several «units» which include assessments; assembling; rehabilitation & manufacturing.



Rehabilitation of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. Partial or total rehabilitations. Finely tuned coordination enables owner to continue operating during construction.



Construction of new residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. Buildings constructed according to plans and specifications provided by the developer or owner, as well as turnkey projects.

Project Management

Project Management

Project management in renovation and new construction. Methodical preparation of preliminary budgets. Construction based on budgets established.

Opening Message


As President & CEO of Innovate engineering and contracting, I firmly believe that if we can achieve a place in the heart & mind of our people as providers of innovative solutions for integrated communities we may be able to fulfill the basic dreams of living.

Innovate disaster recovery is not just about fixing broken windows and doors, it’s about helping people. As members of the communities we work in, we understand the necessity of empathy in the support we provide because when we repair homes and buildings, we are repairing a community.

The possibilities for the growth of Innovate will be unlimited no matter how challenging the situations and timing may be. Because, our teams are ready to build these dreams.

I would like to take this opportunity to pledge that the Innovate team and I - will endeavor to devote our full efforts to exceed expectations and fully satisfy the needs and requirements of these people.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Feiruz Tarif

المديرة العامة لشركة إنّوفايت

الوقت الذي نظن فيه أن كل شيء قد انتهى ... هو وقت البداية كرئيسة والمديرة العامة لشركة إنّوفايت (Innovate)للهندسة والمقاولات، أعتقد بشكل راسخ أننا إذا استطعنا تحقيق مكان في القلب والعقل في مجتمعنا، كمقدمين للحلول المبتكرة لتكامل المجتمع، قد نكون قادرين على تحقيق أحلام العيش الأساسية.

إن برنامج لشركة إنّوفايت (Innovate) للتعافي من الكوارث لا يقتصر فقط على إصلاح النوافذ والأبواب المعطلة، بل يتعلق الأمر بمساعدة الناس. نحن نعمل كأعضاء في المجتمع و نفهم ضرورة التعاطف في الدعم الذي نقدمه، لأننا عندما نصلح المنازل والمباني فإننا نقوم بإصلاحه مجتمعبكامله.

ستكون احتمالات نمو لشركة إنّوفايت (Innovate) غير محدودة بغض النظر مدى تحديات الأوضاع والتوقيت لأن فرقنا مستعدة لبناء هذه الأحلام.

أود أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأتعهد بأن فريق شركة إنّوفايت (Innovate) وأنا سوف نسعى لتكريس جهودنا الكاملة لتجاوز التوقعات وتلبية احتياجات ومتطلبات مجتمعنا الكريم بشكل كامل.

شكرا جزيلاً.

وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام،


Projects Completed


Projects in Process


Areas Covered


Assessed Projects


Taking safety measures into consideration and arranging work meetings to maximize the physical distance between our team members whenever possible and implementing all public health and organizational protocols for hygiene, are critical to keeping our team safe and actively responsive during this worldwide pandemic. Thus, we carry our meetings and discussions for planning either through virtual meetings | outdoor meetings or even in studio depending on the task.

our Studio